Thursday, October 6, 2011

An Analysis of Current Threats to the Brain

   So we thought we'd change things up a bit, and share a paper written long, long ago... or maybe in the not so distant past four years. This was co-written with out neighbor/friends in September, 2007. Enjoy!

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Psalm 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”

The brain is the one of the most important things that God ever created. It is the part of the human body that does our thinking. It tells us when and how to move our limbs and it tells the other important parts of the body whether they are functioning properly or not. In other words, the brain is the most important part of our body. It is extremely important to keep our brains from any kind of disease or serious malady.
A new kind of illness has come to the attention of some of our top scientific minds.  The following is a synopsis of their report to the Royal Science Institute.
“Due to the systems of pathogenic organisms, the brains of those inhabiting earth have become muddled, and have therefore become susceptible to the dangerous disease of hypothermia. The process of hypothermia causes the internal body to have a temperature of more than five degrees below zero, leaving the person unable to support any kind of mental strain and causing the brain to collapse. One of the most dangerous symptoms of hypothermia is a brain freeze. Brain freeze, essentially, is what happens when your brain becomes so completely strained that it tries to rest itself by shutting down. It is often referred to as a paralysis. This is usually brought on by junk food and particularly by: ice cream, hot dogs, and potato chips. Doctors have not yet found a solution for this strange phenomenon other than relative healthy eating.
Doctors have found that anyone in the vicinity of junk food often comes down with this dreaded disease.  Because of this, the disease is spreading so far as to greatly alarm government officials throughout the world. Incidentally, the effects of hemangioendothelioblastoma are intensified by the consumption of junk food. The muddled brains mentioned earlier are especially vulnerable to this.
It seems, moreover, that the mental stress that opium gives to the normal person is yet another of the many sources to which mankind has fallen into subjection, (literally fallen). The government has unsuccessfully tried to ban these drugs, and has also unsuccessfully tried to ban the smuggling of such drugs.  The methods which have been taken to do this have greatly aroused the anger of the citizens because of the unethical cruelty shown in so many cases.
As we reach the end of this very startling document, let us leave you with one more sample of the brains' diseases.  Seps ceph is an infection of the brain that causes it to rot like an unused tomato. This infection can be very painful because it often causes migraines, and severe pain in all parts of the body. So say the experts in medicine, neurology and psychology.”  
        The brave team currently investigating this alarming issue currently includes Professor John D., Phycologist Abigail D., Dr. Kathryn K., P.H.D, and Dr. Drew K., MD.  Others are called in daily, and we expect to soon arrive at a solution to these mind-boggling problems.  The team currently involved has some recommended reading for those interested in the study that has so far taken place. 
Recommended reading: Dr. Ben Carson is an expert neurologist who has studied the brain in extreme detail, his book Gifted hands is an excellent example of his work.  Dr. Kathryn K. has also written a practical handbook for those who are sensitive about their health called Junk Food and Your Hemangioendothelioblastoma, this tome is about the effects that junk food can have on your brain’s blood vessels.  What You Need to Know About Septcephnecrosis Syndrome by Dr. Drew K. is about the effects of muddled brains. Our honored Professor John D.  has kindly contributed an informative video entitled Government Drug Prevention and Why it’s Not Working. Also available is the book The Psychology of Mental Stress by Psychologist by Abigail D.

A note from the Editor
This article has been published in part because of the editor's deep concern, and also in part because as a major medium of information, the editor feels that it is his responsibility to pass on this vital information to those infected with the deadly disease. Please do your part in saving the world.  Pass this on to those you care about! And yes, that really long word is a real medical term and it's definition is correctly stated. Sound it out! It's fun to pronounce! The other one, Seps ceph, is a combination of two real medical terms, for which the authors took the liberty of defining in their own words.                                                                                                                   

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